2025 Rainmaker Marketplace Terms and Conditions 

Electricity Requirements: 
We rent outside vendor space and provide water if required. Food trucks are encouraged to bring their own generators.  If power is required the food truck must have at least a 30amp 125/250 Volt twist-lock cord.

Fresh Drinking Water (Food Vendors): 
If you require access to a fresh drinking water supply you must provide your own water hoses designated for fresh water usage only. There are only a few locations located on site where fresh drinking water can be accessed, so please bring an adequate amount of hose. Please ensure that you indicate your need for water access on your contract as this will affect where you are placed on the grounds. Grey water tank will be on-site.

Stocking Your Booth: 
You are welcome to restock your booth at any time during the event, so long as you are not impeding the traffic of patrons. No vehicles are allowed on the grounds during the hours of operation. All vehicles must be off the grounds one hour before the gates open. There are no vendor parking spots available on site. You must find your own parking in the area or take park and ride services. THERE IS NO PARKING OR DRIVING ALLOWED ON PAVED ASPHALT SURFACE WHERE MARKETPLACE IS LOCATED AT ANY TIME. ONLY SANDBAGS ARE ALLOWED ON THE ASPHALT TO WEIGH DOWN TENTS, NO CONCRETE BLOCKS OR STAKES.

Exclusive Supply and Advertising (Food Vendors): 
Rainmaker 2025 with The Kinette Club of St. Albert is proud of its corporate partnerships. These agreements provide exclusive supply on Kinsmen of St. Albert grounds.
EXCLUSIVE PRODUCT SUPPLY: Any soft drinks, juices, juice drinks, isotonic, energy drinks, ready-to drink iced teas and coffees and bottled water must be Pepsi brands. All of these products will be sold on site by the Kinsmen Club of St. Albert at a discounted price. If vendors are witnessed selling product purchased from outside the site a $250.00 fine will be incurred Payable to the Kinsmen Club of St. Albert.

Exhibitor Admission: 
When entering you must wear your exhibitor badge as you will be asked to show it each time you enter. Admissions staff is not responsible for lost or misplaced badges. If you do not have your badge you will be charged a non-refundable discounted fee for replacement. Each vendor will receive four passes for the entire event. If you wish to purchase more, please advise prior to the event and they will be made available at a discounted rate. 

Hours of Show Operation: 
Friday May 23RD 3:30pm – 11:00pm
Saturday May 24TH 10:30am – 11:00pm
Sunday May 25TH 10:30am – 5:00pm

Each exhibitor will take possession on move in and agrees to man display for all hours of the show listed above. All displays must be fully set up, stocked and manned during all show hours. Exhibits may not be taken down or removed until gates close each night. A penalty charge of $100.00 will apply if exhibitor does not comply with hours of operation.  THERE IS NO PARKING OR DRIVING ALLOWED ON PAVED ASPHALT SURFACE WHERE MARKETPLACE IS LOCATED AT ANY TIME. ONLY SANDBAGS ARE ALLOWED ON THE ASPHALT TO WEIGH DOWN TENTS, NO CONCRETE BLOCKS OR STAKES.

Move In: 
Times to be confirmed closer to event dates.
Please phone Chelsey Mandrusiak (780-267-7240) upon your arrival at the event location. She will meet you at the gates with your passes and direct you how to get to the marketplace location. Once you have received your passes the same directions will apply when re-stocking your display. Please allow yourself sufficient time to set up your display, as all vehicles must be moved off the grounds one hour prior to the gates opening. If you are unable to arrive during the specified times, please notify the Chelsey of your anticipated arrival time. Exhibitors will be responsible to pay for admission, with no re-imbursement, if they fail to notify the Marketplace Director. THERE IS NO PARKING OR DRIVING ALLOWED ON PAVED ASPHALT SURFACE WHERE MARKETPLACE IS LOCATED AT ANY TIME. ONLY SANDBAGS ARE ALLOWED ON THE ASPHALT TO WEIGH DOWN TENTS, NO CONCRETE BLOCKS OR STAKES.

Move Out: 
Sunday May 25th 5:00pm – 10:00pm
Exhibitors must remove their exhibit or concession from the event ground at show closing 5:00pm Sunday (no sooner), leaving the booth location clear and free of any debris or garbage, by 10:00pm Sunday night. Exhibitor absolves Kinsmen Club of St. Albert from any liability or claim with respect to such action taken after move out date.

Payment of Exhibitor Fee: 
Signed Exhibitor Applications (food handling permits as required, business license, insurance & City of St. Albert Fire Inspection forms) is due no later than April 24th, 2025. Full payment is required by May 10th, 2025. Non-payment for the booth will result in immediate cancellation of your space allocation. Payment after May 10th, 2025 must be by credit card or confirmed funds, checks will not be accepted. Application will not be considered received until all paperwork and payment have been received.

Non Payment Charges: 
Should any charges remain unpaid at the close of Rainmaker 2025, any articles, goods and equipment in the said exhibitor’s booth may be held by Kinsmen Club of St. Albert until payment in full is made for which Kinsmen Club of St. Albert shall be deemed to have a lien on the said good and chattels.

Conduct of Show: 
Rainmaker 2025 with the Kinette and Kinsmen Club of St. Albert reserves the right to require the exhibitor to remove any item that it deems unacceptable. The display, sale, advocacy of items or paraphernalia that or promote in any way the use of illegal drugs or weapons. No knives, swords or other weapons are to be sold or distributed from any booth at any time.
Management reserves the right to close and remove exhibit or concessions for infractions of any rules.

Liability Insurance Requirements: 
Each exhibitor is required to provide a certificate of insurance with a minimum limit of $2,000,000.00 coverage, prior to move in. Your insurance policy must name Kinsmen Club of St. Albert as co-insured and must be submitted with your contract.
Each exhibitor will be liable at all times and will hold harmless and indemnify the Kinsmen Club of St. Albert for all costs, expenses and damages the may suffer as a result of, but not limited to, those items listed below:
-Injury to or death of the applicant own employees and contractors;
-Loss or damage to the applicants own property and that of its employees and contractors;
-Any loss direct, indirect or consequential, that the applicant, its employees or contractors may suffer as a result of an interruption to the business of the applicant regardless of how caused;
-Any and all types of losses suffered by any parties arising from the applicants operations.

Failure to Appear: 
In the event of an exhibitor’s failure to occupy the space allotted to them by 12:00 pm Friday May 23rd, 2025, The Kinette Club of St. Albert will assume that the exhibitor has decided not to attend and the space will be allocated to someone else. No Refund will be made to this exhibitor.

Thank you for your interest in our 2025 Rainmaker Festival Marketplace and for reviewing the rules, regulations and conditions.